Online Counseling and In-Office Counseling: Hybrid Benefits for Clients

Updated July 14, 2021
Recently many things have changed in our world and the use of teletherapy is one. There are many benefits to teletherapy or video counseling. Here are a few:
- protects participates or their loved ones from illness
- convenience-can be done from anywhere
- if needed/appropriate couples can be in different workplaces, towns or other locations after an initial session together
- traveling one or both of you (within Oregon) not missing a session
- using a specialist that is not in your area
- privacy with older children can be at home yet a parent is close by
Research has shown online counseling to be just as effective! In person therapy can be compared to holding a physical book in your hands.
Picture of a book, picture of kindle
Online therapy using a kindle to read an electronic book. Different but the same process and benefits for a client. Many people are surprised how comfortable they feel using online therapy. I have taken specialized training to make good eye contact, conveying warmth and working with more than one person online to provide the best, effective connection with my clients.
An initial conversation about online counseling can help you to learn more to show how the technology without committing to therapy.
A hybrid approach offers the "usual" type of therapy for those that wish that experience or to meet once to see me in person. Whatever you choose best wishes on recovering emotionally as well as physically during this post COVID time!