Extreme Commuters, Extreme Jobs

People with daily commutes of more than 90 minutes or commutes of more than 300 miles are called “Extreme Commuters”. (Oregon has 1.9% of extreme commuters.) The quality of life and less expensive housing offered here means commuters fly or drive to other cities.
Today marriages and families are being affected by a longer commutes---and I am meeting more of these families. These families and marriages have less quality time since time is spent mostly on the weekend. Stress is higher with more physical illness for the commuter. Everyone is irritable with the changes. The spouse or partner feels the burden of being a single parent.
Most commuters believe their commute is temporary. The choice to commute usually becomes a long-term solution to housing costs, quality of life and economics.
Add to that a spouse of partner who has an Extreme job in an emergency, medical field or others jobs and the picture becomes even more complicated. Extreme commuting, jobs will continue, will we find a way to grow and meet these needs?
Comment and let me know how you or others have found to manage this pressure.
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