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      April Fools Day and Couples

      We've all heard "Laughter is the best medicine". It has been studied and it is especially good for a relationship. April Fools jokes helps us feel closer to others. The 5 to 1 rule of positives to negatives that strengthen a marriage is easy to use on this day.  Bob Hope, who was a comedian, and married 60 years. He said he and his wife had a strong marriage because of humor.  So here's some ideas to have more humor in your family:

      Be aware of the humor each day.

      Make it a habit for everyone in your family to share at dinner something funny that happened to them.

      My husband studies comedy---almost every night he watches Faulty Towers a British comedy.

      Laugh about funny times---when I went to see the daffodils this weekend. My daughter said they were dead. (They were in full bloom!)

      Finally, be a good sport when a blog entry and images don't work. Someone maybe playing a trick (hmmm).




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