Hypnosis/BrainSpotting For Stress Anxiety and More
Both individuals and couples can benefit from Hypnosis and BrainSpotting. These may be used with both people or with one person at a time.
Hypnosis. A "traditional" mind/body technique, hypnosis has been practiced for over 50 years.
Most hypnosis uses suggestions for relaxation, calmness, and well-being. Instructions to imagine or think about pleasant experiences are also commonly included during hypnosis. People respond to hypnosis in different ways. Some describe hypnosis as a state of focused attention, in which they feel very calm and relaxed. Most people describe the experience as pleasant.
Some of the issues I currently use hypnosis for are treatment of pain; anxiety and phobias; stress; and health habits such as weight issues. For example with weight issues someone may need to increase exercise, curb cravings, or change thought patterns. Hypnosis can be helpful in any of these areas.
I also record sessions in which hypnosis is used so that clients may learn self-hypnosis through listening. Repeatedly listening to a hypnosis session teaches self-hypnosis and repeated listening that is personalized and individualized, increases the results of the hypnosis.
My hypnosis training was through the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists for 20 hours of continuing education. It is part of the counseling treatment process and usually multiple sessions are needed.
BrainSpotting. Similar to Hypnosis, BrianSpotting emerged from EMDR but was found to be more effective. BrainSpotting works with the deep brain (the natural neurobiology of the brain) and the body. A pointer focus heals the body to reduce distress. The process is customized for maximizing healing.
BrainSpotting treats a wide range of medical, physical, and psycho-emotional issues and symptoms and has profound psychological, emotional, and physical consequences.
I have completed several professional training in BrainSpotting.