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Couples Counseling

Relationship problems? Once there is distance or fighting in a relationship it is hard to get the feelings and conversation going again. Past abuse, affairs, internet use, anger management, depression and chronic illness are a few of the issues that start problems for couples. These are difficult issues to discuss and I will be active in your discussion so it is productive and not hurtful.

I have studied and worked with relationships for over 15 years in my practice. There are specific skills and attitudes that can be taught rapidly to an individual or a couple. Waiting to make changes in a relationship has been shown by research to increase the possibility of divorce or a breakup. Take action soon!

 Either or both of you can start change.  Depression and anxiety often spread in a family without prevention. These signs mean a relationship is in trouble:

  • Lack of affection or sexual interest
  • Distance (withdrawing from each other)
  • Trust/infidelity concerns
  • Increased arguing  

Counseling can bring you "a future and a hope". I assess and customize skills and attitudes for you that have been shown to build relationships. You sleep, eat and live well  trying new approaches even without your partner. You can learn and see these benefits: 

  • Less conflict and fighting
  • Calmness
  • Healing from anger, affairs, name calling
  • Forgiveness for past hurts
  • Connection with each other and your dreams
  • Respect and affection with sexual intimacy

Call/text 541-326-1696 or send an email bmasseyj@proton.me to learn how I might help you. I offer the following services:

Anxiety Counseling

"Not Just Friends" (counseling for affairs)

Individual Counseling

Couples/Marriage Counseling

Intensive Counseling


Marriage Enrichment Series

Married, living together or single, you don’t have to struggle and not work out the difficulties in your relationship. Hope for clear communication and connection with the one you care about can be something you feel.

 My passion is counseling individuals and couples who want joy, contentment and connection in their communication, especially those desiring a faith-based option. I offer a variety of formats including intensive, closely-spaced sessions for those who have specific needs or are out of the Rogue Valley.

Counseling for Christian couples is also available to use faith to support the healing process when requested.  Each couple is different in how they discuss faith and this will be respected.

To make an appointment for couples counseling, call/text me at 541-326-1696 or email at bmasseyj@proton.me.

Couples outside the Rogue Valley may wish to come for an Intensive. Up to 20 hours are in an Intensive for couples from other areas such as Bend, Klamath Falls, Eugene, Portland, Brookings, Coos Bay or other Oregon cities so they can concentrate and work through an issue.

Note: Insurance can be taken for many of the issues listed above and I do accept many insurance plans (even if they do not list me). All appointments desiring to use insurance need to call several days before an appointment is held for insurance verification. There are many types and variations in plans and all those details need to be discussed.